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Native speakers from all around the world are welcome to help translate Soapbox into their language.


Translations are managed in Soapbox Weblate. Weblate allows anyone to help translate without programming skill.

Translation Files

Locale files in JSON are located in the src/locales directory. These files may be edited directly, as long as maintainers regularly sync changes with Weblate.

Syncing with Weblate

Maintainers should ensure Weblate translations don't get out of date. To do this, they can add the weblate git repo as a remote and merge changes from it.

First, add the Weblate remote (only do this once):

git remote add weblate

Then create a new branch based off main and merge weblate changes into it:

# Be on the main branch, ensure it's clean
git checkout main
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/main

# Create a new branch and merge weblate changes
git fetch weblate
git checkout -b sync-weblate
git merge weblate/main

Finally, push the new branch to GitLab and open a merge request.